A look & feel.
No jackets, coats or hoodies
No plain T-shirts, tank tops, or flannels of any kind
No hats of any kind
No athletic attire (sweat suites, gym shorts, etc.)
No baggy pants, shirts, or underwear hanging out
No sunglasses
All shoes must be worn and properly laced
No Lugz or Timberland brand footwear allowed
No pictures or videos will be taken in Capital Cabaret
No prescription drugs or illegal substances of any sort
No going in and out to cars, party bus, or limo excessively
No loitering in the parking lot at any time
All people under 21 (18 – 20) must: wear armbands, wear Capital Cabaret shirts at all times, leave your IDs at the front door and have your hands marked. Any attempt to break these rules will result in you being escorted out with no refunds of any kind.
Capital Cabaret has the right to refuse entry of any person for any reason.